History, Political Science, Geography, & African-American Studies

Our Department is a natural fit for those who wish to compare the histories and political systems of various nations.

Where History, Politics, and African American Stories Converge

Embark on a Journey through Our Academic Kaleidoscope, Where Students Come To Explore The Canvas Of Time, Navigate The Political Landscape, And Unfold African American Stories.

Our Department is a natural fit for those who wish to analyze the history, philosophies, and political systems of various civilizations and cultures.

"Students utilize the best available theoretical framework and empirical research in acquiring functional knowledge for understanding problems of the human condition.” - Dr. Gary Paul, Chair

Explore Our Faculty

Our students study how the past influences the present and apply that knowledge to current events. Our graduates attain positions in fields such as law, education, and city planning. Many of our graduates also continue on to graduate school and pursue doctoral studies.

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African American man and his daughter visiting exposition of museum
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The Department of History is committed to the development of a versatile course of study that is designed to prepare students for careers in history, as well as to provide pre-professional training for a variety of other fields.

A donkey figurine and an elephant figurine sitting on an American flag, symbolizing the democratic and republican party systems.
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The program in political science offers a broad selection of courses and activities adapted to the needs of students who plan careers in: law, the several levels of government including the foreign (diplomatic) service, international organizations, international business and industrial organizations, private enterprise, public relations, research, teaching, and active politics.

Harriet Tubman statue
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An interdisciplinary program, utilizing the resources and faculty of several departments. The program is designed to prepare students for careers in teaching, research, and social service agency employment, as well as provide pre-professional training for graduate study.


Study Abroad

  • Two Suitcases in airport
  • Education is a passport to the future. Studying abroad combines cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences. Students gain knowledge of other cultures and, in the process, introduce themselves to a broader worldview.

    Our Department works closely with FAMU’s Office of International Education & Development (OIED) and strongly encourages our students to travel. 
  • New Horizons Ahead!

Contact Us

462 Tucker Hall
515 Orr Dr.
Tallahassee, FL 32307
(850) 599-3447
(850) 599-3950


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