The College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (CSSAH) offers the Master of Applied Social Sciences (MASS) degrees in: Criminal Justice, Global Security and International Affairs, and Public Administration.
With an emphasis on law enforcement, criminal procedures, the courts, and corrections, FAMU’s Criminal Justice program has educated and trained students who now serve as law enforcement, correctional and probation officers, while many others went on to pursue law degrees and now hold positions in courts, colleges, as well as in public and private practices and agencies across the nation and world.
Unlike existing programs in the Florida State University System, the Global Security and International Affaris curriculum at FAMU offers a major in the field as opposed to a certificate or minor course of study. The major is designed as an academically challenging and comprehensive interdisciplinary curriculum combining an extensive and in depth study of core concepts, principles, and practices of international affairs and security studies.
The Public Administration program attracts students who seek to become public service leaders, strong administrators, and inspirational collaborators in the communities where they work and live.
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You will need the follwoing to apply for a CSSAH Online Gradaute Degree program: