The Essential Theatre's ticket office is located in Tucker Hall's lobby. Learn about box office hours, payment options, and ticket policies before your visit.
Ordering tickets online is the fastest way to get tickets. It’s convenient and secure.
Services charges apply. PURCHASE TICKETS
The Essential Theatre box office window is open only on the day of an event. The ticket office may open a few days before an event if popularity dictates special provisions.
Events in Charles Winter Wood Theatre
Noon to 5:30 p.m. on the day of an event and again one hour prior to curtain.
Events in Ronald O. Davis Acting Studio
One hour prior to curtain
One hour prior to curtain.
Our ticket office is located in the lobby of the first floor of Tucker Hall, 515 Orr Drive, Tallahassee, FL, 32307
Cash, Checks, Debit and Credit Cards (Visa and Mastercard only).
For more information about ticket sales call (850) 561-2425
We offer special rates for senior citizens and K - 12 student groups with chaperones.
Groups benefit from special advantages when they book through the Group Sales office.
For more information on group rates, please contact Kimberly Harding at (850) 561.2840 or
Service animals that are specifically trained to assist individuals with disabilities are permitted in Charles Winter Wood Theatre. Service animals must be under the control of the handler at all times, either harnessed, leashed, or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents their use. A service animal should not pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others. If your animal is out of control and you do not take effective action to control your animal or your animal poses a direct threat to the health and safety of others, you may be asked to remove your animal from the premises.
While we understand the important role animals also play in providing comfort, unfortunately,
comfort pets or emotional support animals are not allowed in the venue. We appreciate
your understanding as we strive
to create a safe and comfortable environment for all attendees. We are committed
to ensuring that our event is accessible to all attendees. If you require accommodations
or assistance due to a disability, please contact us at (850) 561-2840 at least one
week prior to the event. We will do our best to meet your needs. Thank you for your